Thursday, March 22, 2012

When guilt hinders me from returning to God

Some things I remind myself of when guilt hinders me from returning to God.

If I drift away from God I can feel like I can't return after sinning against Him. Here are some things I think about that encourages me to return.
1. God is slow to anger - Psalm 103:8
2. God stands ready to forgive - Psalm 86:5, 1 John 1:9
3. At the same time that God is speaking against me, His heart can be remembering me, and even yearning for me - Jeremiah 31:18-20
4. When I return to God, confessing my sins, He will meet me with forgiveness, a happy and loving embrace, and I will be treated as His son - Luke 15:11-32 (the Prodigal Son).
5. God may have planned to bring trouble into my life due to my sin. But if I repent, God may change His mind and not send the trouble - Jonah 3:10
6. Not only will repenting of my sins and confessing them to God result in forgiveness, but He may actually give me a blessing too - Joel 2:13-15
7. In Jeremiah chapters 2-3 God spoke to His faithless people. And one thing He spoke was an offer to return to Him and that He would not look upon them with anger.

(Please pray that God will give me more to share with you - Ephesians 6:19)

Scripture quotations taken from the "NASB" (

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