Sunday, September 4, 2011

Jesus paid a great price for us

This short devotion can in no way do justice to the sacrifice that Jesus made for us. When Jesus left Heaven and came to earth in bodily form, He willingly left His riches and for our sake He became poor (2 Corinthians 8:9). He also grew up in a town that had a bad reputation (John 1:46). And during His ministry He was at times homeless (Matthew 8:20). He knew sorrow and grief and experienced first hand what it was like to have people despise and forsake Him ( ideas from Isaiah 53).

He was falsely accused, mocked, spit upon, and beaten while blindfolded. A crown of long thorns was pressed onto His head and with this in place He was beaten on the head with a reed. He was scourged with a whip that shredded His body more than any film you have seen. It was amazing that He even lived through the scourging. He had to bear His own cross on His battered body.

He had His body pierced with three nails. The cross was lifted up and dropped into a hole in the ground jolting His body with additional intense pain. He hung with labored breathing and died in agony. And He remained sinless in every circumstance.

Although we already thank Jesus for what He has done for us, take some extra time today to thank and praise Him for the great price He paid for us. And out of gratefulness set a fresh determination in your heart to obey our loving Savior.  God bless you.

Scripture quotations taken from the "NASB" (

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