There are many things in our lives that envelope our time. Some are needs, some seem to be needs and some fall into the just for enjoyment category. But, with all sorts of things competing for our time, it is important to keep things in balance. This is especially true when it come to our relationship with God.
In the following passage we will see Jesus keeping a balance between ministering to people and maintaining His relationship with God. The passage is Luke 5:15-16
15 But the news about Him was spreading even farther, and large crowds were gathering to hear Him and to be healed of their sicknesses.
16 But Jesus Himself would often slip away to the wilderness and pray.
Notice that there were large crowds gathering. And large crowds meant a lot of needs. They wanted to press in close to Him so they could hear His teaching and be healed of their sickness. And having a compassionate heart towards the needs of people is a good thing.
Under such circumstances it could be easy to develop a certain mindset. One that thinks, "I can't pull away from these people and spend alone time with God. There is so much to be done." But Jesus didn't allow Himself to get out of balance. He did pull away to pray and verse 16 says He did it often.
Your maximum effectiveness with people flows out of your personal relationship with God. If you don't guard your alone time with Him then your effectiveness will decrease. And worse yet your walk could suffer too.
Take time right now and ask God to help you guard your alone time with Him. And make a decision today that you won't allow busyness to keep you from the one that truly loves you.